ATHX Baseball


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ATHX Baseball


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ATHX Baseball


Nike Team

ATHX Baseball


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“The ATHX Baseball program has been amazing for my two boys. There’s no program out there that is more well-rounded in all aspects of the game. The coaches go out of their way to ensure the athletes get the one-on-one attention they need while still in a fun group environment. The pitching training that they get has skyrocketed their performance in games. Getting to train in the ATHX facility has been great as there are always lots of high-performance athletes around doing all sorts of training for various sports and it’s an environment that inspires my kids to become better athletes in general. Hands down ATHX has the BEST baseball program in Edmonton and surrounding!”

“ATHX Baseball Academy has taken baseball training to another level, this academy has created a baseball program that can have your son or daughter elevate their game. My son has played 100+ games during their fall and spring to summer programs, not only does the program play games but plays against elite academies and AAA teams. A big question when you enroll your son or daughter is it worth it?? The straight answer is absolutely 100 percent YES. Here are the straight facts I think parents need to consider, first is the atmosphere Athx creates, this is by far the most important factor when enrolling your young athletes. ATHX Elite Program has features of MLB and College mindset, nutrition, weight training, hitting, fielding, and an expert recovery program that will keep your player on the field, with a state-of-the-art facility that can transform your son or daughter right before your eyes is very impressive, coaching staff and trainers will push your athlete to their full potential. Enrolling your son or daughter in the program is a welcoming experience, you’re not just a number you’re part of a professional program now. I’m excited to write this message to potential athletes and parents that will read this. Thank you ATHX Baseball.”

“We are certainly happy with the ATHX Baseball Academy for our son. It has been a pleasure to see his development in baseball and as a person. Wyatt Hummel is a strong leader and knows his stuff. He has surrounded himself with a great group of coaches/staff on and off the field. The program allowed Jack the time and opportunity to follow his passion. We appreciate the commitment and energy that Wyatt and his staff put into the program. If your kid is serious about baseball, we would strongly recommend ATHX Baseball and Wyatt Hummel.”

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CSN Collision
Grand and Toy
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CSN Collision
JPS West